Origami Fashion masks

Green Flowers a

With many places asking us to "mask-up" again, I decided to bring mask making back.

Making these fashion masks was a pivotal point in my crafting journey.  The positive feedback on the design and my returning customers inspired me to continue expanding my crafteesoul life. Check them out in the Shop.

Origami Style

Allows you to speak freely without the mask falling out of place.  At my place of employment, we are required to wear masks throughout the work day.  The Origami style is comfortable for long wear and the ear elastic has been updated for additional long term comfort.


If there is a fabric design you are interested in, let me know, I have a lot (not pictured) and I accept custom requests, or if you want additional information, click here.


Masks are available in a variety of sizes. Large, for Adults, Medium for Young Adults and Small for Youth. Sizes will vary mask to mask due to the handcrafted design.

Nose Piece

Do you wear glasses? Tired of them fogging up when wearing a mask.  Try a nose piece. While it may not cut-out fogging 100% of the time, I find it to be greatly reduced.

I would be remiss, if I did not mention these masks are not a replacement for Medical Grade Personal Protection.

They may be worn over certain other styles if desired.

Until next time, Soothe the Soul Your Way ~ Tiffany



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