Welcome to Crafteesoul! We're passionate about creating unique, handmade items, and we're excited to share our collection with you. Feel free to check out our shop for available items. If you're looking for something special, we offer customization and personalization on many of our products. Whether it's a personalized gift or something tailored to your style, we’re here to help!
How it Started
Grandma gifted me some of her sewing supplies. Included with her gift oodles and oodles of fabric! I was now the new and proud owner of A LOT of leftover project pieces with no idea what to do with them. Then inspiration hit, a quilt, I would make a quilt of those precious pieces. One that would make her make her smile at the gift she had given.
With absolutely no idea of the process, I started cutting
What I knew for sure, was that each piece of fabric held the love and care from its original purpose. I wanted, needed to make use of these fabrics to be loved anew by using them in the amazing quilt built in my head.
I cut the fabric, I measured, I cut again….wrong process! Measure twice or five times, then cut. Things work better this way.
As happens to us all, life interrupted.
The quilt of my dream was set aside for something of greater priority.
Not forgotten, just set aside and moved down the priority list. Unfortunately, this happened over and over and over.
Finally, a series of events took place and more determined than ever, the quilt project was back to the top of the priority list. From all the cutting, measuring, and sewing came an almost rectangle, better described as a squiangle, quilt. Great for a laugh, or several, not so much for a quilt and most certainly not what I had envisioned.
Back to the drawing board, in my head. NOTE: By some, I am now considered a professional seam ripper.
Musing about my dream quilt, it occurred to me, my soul was restless and searching. Hence, the theme “Soothe the Soul Your Way”.
With, renewed determination, I set about making this quilt usable. To this day, I have no idea what changed other than my outlook, but that quilt came together like a dream. It dawned on me, I feel at peace, calm, and full of wonder when I am creating, even when those creations turn out differently than expected.